flashpoint|flashpoints in English


lowest temperature at which the steam of a flammable liquid can be made to briefly ignite in air (Chemistry); critical point, point when something is ready to explode

Use "flashpoint|flashpoints" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "flashpoint|flashpoints" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "flashpoint|flashpoints", or refer to the context using the word "flashpoint|flashpoints" in the English Dictionary.

1. It could become the next Balkan flashpoint.

2. Hebron has been a flashpoint for years.

3. Community unrest is rapidly approaching the flashpoint.

4. Vukovar was one of the early flashpoints in the former Yugoslavia.

5. Tension in the city is rapidly reaching flashpoint.

6. The Biretta is often a flashpoint for reaction

7. Operation Flashpoint 2 scheduled for release this Summer.

8. Certain of the variables included in this model augment the flashpoints approach to industrial confrontation.

9. Aftermarket delivers an all new limited time mode, Flashpoint

10. The Banality-of-evil thesis was a flashpoint for controversy

11. Read more on Crossplay Beta and Flashpoint on the Aftermarket blog here

12. Sheba Farms has long been a flashpoint for conflict in the region.

13. Unbelievably, as you'd expect from the creators of the first Flashpoint.

14. Each encounter represents a potential flashpoint unless your dog is properly trained.

15. At the very least , the dispute has fallen down the flashpoint list.

16. 10 The flashpoints model is therefore inapplicable to this form of disorder and other explanations are therefore necessary.

17. The missiles detonated second along their flight paths , high explosives heated to the flashpoint.

18. Blindside's blinding effect follows the same rules as Breach's Flashpoint, Phoenix's Curveball & Skye's

19. 2 days ago · Energy Consumption has become the latest flashpoint for cryptocurrency

20. And over the years, the Copyright Clause has become a flashpoint for just such abuse.

21. In the culture war of recent decades, multiculturalism has been a flashpoint, especially regarding the humanities curriculum.

22. Chadian forces head to flashpoint border zone among Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso as violence rages

23. Avgas 100 LL is an extremely flammable liquid with a flashpoint of less than -40 Deg

24. Because of the army's presence, the city is seen to be the flashpoint of the area.

25. Batwing (Volume 1) is one of "The New 52" ongoing series published after Flashpoint